About Me
I’m a front-end web craftsman who indulges Cascading Style Sheets and their friends. If you are into coding you will find me as @CSSence on the Internet.
I’m passionate about accessible web development, as well as state-of-the-art user interface design, especially in regards to web applications.
My spare time interests include minimalism and degrowth, but also some more tangible things like long distance running and reading.
Work Experience
October 2017 – Present
George Labs GmbH, a subsidiary of Erste Group,
30+ employees; in Vienna, Austria.
Development & Coaching
- Implementing a design pattern library for the most-talked-about Austrian online banking, written in React.
- Building a documentation platform for the design patterns, based on Gatsby, Storybook, and Playroom.
- Establishing web accessibility guidelines and integrating them into the design pattern library.
- Teaching web accessibility best practices in-house to front-end web developers.
December 2015 – June 2017
TRINN Consulting GmbH
≤10 employees; in Vienna, Austria.
Consulting, Ideation & Development
- Consulting clients in technical aspects, focusing on digital innovation.
- Managing projects.
- Developing working prototypes for clients and the company’s portfolio.
- Responsible for the company’s server and website.
View complete job history
December 2012 – November 2015
BeeOne GmbH, a subsidiary of Erste Group,
25+ employees; in Vienna, Austria.
Ideation, Research & Development
- Developing working prototypes to visualize new features, to be used either standalone or to be potentially incorporated into the most modern banking experience in the region.
- Coming up with innovative approaches for financial services and presenting them at the R&D team meetings of Erste Hub.
- Administrating the company’s website and parts of the server landscape.
- Contributing to the further development of the websites of Erste Group.
- Contributing to front-end web development for solutions used in-house at Erste Bank Austria.
- Responsible for MONEY, an interactive quiz for a financial literacy initiative coordinated by the European Savings and Retail Banking Group in Brussels (deployed in Austria and France).
- Member of MobeyForum.
April 2006 – November 2012
s IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH,
1,000+ employees; in Vienna, Austria.
Web Development
- Front-end web development for the Group Portal, a themeable platform, foundation for the bank websites in the respective countries, from Austria to Romania, including non-bank companies.
- Mobile app prototyping with PhoneGap.
- CMMI “Programming Guidelines Officer” for HTML/CSS and Javascript.
- Providing expertise on HTML5 and CSS3 for the refactoring of the Austrian online banking, carried out by Nagarro.
- Speaking about topics such as Mobile UI Design, Responsive Web Design, and
- teaching web technologies at the company’s software engineering academy.
Software Development
- Developing software for loan applications, written in Java.
- Technically responsible (by proxy) for operational risk applications.
- Contributing to openXMA, the company’s web framework, released under the Eclipse Public License.
Business Analysis
- Designing solutions for statutory reporting applications to route data to the Austrian National Bank, in order to make way for XBRL — an open specification to describe financial information.
March 1997 – March 2006
Sparkassen Datendienst GmbH,
500+ employees; in Vienna, Austria.
Web Development
- Developing a web content management framework for the Austrian Savings Banks, written in Tcl/Tk.
- Designing and developing features for special purpose websites, such as Youth and Real Estate.
- Supervising the technical integration of the enterprise content management system “Documentum” by EMC².
Product Ownership
- Responsible for the interbank clearing solution, processing domestic payments by a total of more than €1bn per day.
Software Development
- Developing software for domestic payment systems, written in Assembler and Cobol.
- Participating in major projects such as Y2K and the two-step Austrian Euro Conversion (book money and cash).
Education & Certificates
- Senior High School graduation at HTBLuVA in St. Pölten.
- Awarded with the Austrian professional title “Engineer” by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Labour.
- Certified Java Programmer (SCJP 1.4) by Sun Microsystems.
- Certified Java Programmer (SCJP 6) by ORACLE.
- IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering.
- Regular web conference attendee, sometimes even speaker.
- German: Native.
- English: Fluent.
- Web development according to web standards.
- Rapid prototyping.
- Requirements management.
- Technical consulting, with focus on accessibility.